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Conversations on the Noble Art of Teaching

Given the opportunity, so many of we primary school teachers are actually profoundly philosophical. We ponder on things on a moment by moment basis. Rarely do we have the opportunity to share these ponderings and rarely do such moments arise spontaneously because, quite simply, both life and the profession have become inordinately busy.

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To engage in the refined art of conversation seems to be a something of a throw back. Not to say that professional conversations do not occur, they most certainly do. However, the current flavour is that they are exclusively based on ‘talking to’ a spreadsheet. This has rather pushed into the background our musings on what I see as both the noble and fine art of teaching.

So this website is my response to that. With its deliberately tongue in cheek, grand title ~ The Life, Times and Ponderings of a Primary School Pedagogue ~ my inspiration is to simply present what used to occur in conversation with colleagues. I am in effect taking the online opportunity to express my part in those conversations and offering them to everybody.

You may agree, you may disagree – with full permission. Go for it.


What is shared here are solely my own inner musings and they do not necessarily align with what others may say, or think, or feel, or believe, or be of the opinion of, but hey, if you're reading this, you and I are, in effect, in intimate conversation with each other.


This brings me great professional joy that, together, we are reinstating a true conversation about the noble art of teaching.



Coleen Hensey:
The Life, Times and Ponderings of a Primary School Pedagogue

About this website

With its deliberately tongue in cheek, grand title ~ The Life, Times and Ponderings of a Primary School Pedagogue ~ my inspiration is to simply present what used to occur in the noble of art of conversation with other teaching colleagues. I am in effect taking the online opportunity to express my part in those conversations and offering them to everybody. Enjoy.

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All content copyright Coleen Hensey unless otherwise stated.

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